ABOUT MARCIA YUDKIN, PH.D. Marcia Yudkin has been a writer in the public eye since she published her first freelance piece in the New York Times Education Supplement in 1981. Her seven books include FREELANCE WRITING: BREAKING IN WITHOUT SELLING OUT (HarperCollins, Book of the Month Club), SMART SPEAKING (Henry Holt, excerpted in Ladies Home Journal and Cosmopolitan), HE AND SHE TALK (Plume), SIX STEPS TO FREE PUBLICITY (Plume 1994) and PERSUADING ON PAPER (Plume, September 1995). Through her press releases, she has received publicity in the Wall Street Journal, Entrepreneur, and dozens of local newspapers from the Boston Globe to the Anchorage Times. Hundreds of her articles have appeared in magazines from Yankee Magazine and the New York Times Magazine to TWA Ambassador and Computer Update. Since 1988 she has also served as a Boston-based seminar leader and writing consultant, helping writers and businesspeople sharpen their writing to achieve clarity, publication, publicity and acclaim. To get in touch: Marcia Yudkin, Ph.D. Creative Ways P.O. Box 1310 Boston, MA 02117 (617)266-1613 Fax: (617)871-1728